Thursday 8 December 2016

The votes have been counted...

Image result for digital leader badge

Hello World!

We recently had our first meeting! We all got together and talked about how we had been using our computational thinking over the past few weeks.

We also got our new badges! (What do you think?)

This one was definitely our favourite too! We loved how the badge has the power button like you see on computers and all things digital.

In our meeting we also used Scratch and ScratchJr to create our own never ending games.  

Can you guess what we did to make the games never-ending?  There's a special control on Scratch that helped us to do this!

Until next time.

Stay Digital!

Our Badges

Since we got our roles as digital leaders lots has happened!  The school purchased 5 new iPads and we now get to use them for learning. We've also been working together to make sure everyone knows about how to stay safe online.

BUT some of us have lost our badges!  So we would like your help as we would like to get new badges with a new design.

OUT with the old and in with the NEW!

So which of the designs do you like?



Related image

Image result for digital leader badge

Help us to pick our new badges!

Until next time.

Stay Digital!